Best Way to Meet a Faery
We receive many questions on how to go about meeting a Faery. The best place to start is with sincerity in your heart, and love and compassion for all creation, including humans. Then find yourself outdoors often. Learn the language of the trees and of the sky and of Mother Earth herself. The more you are out there, and the more the waters of sincerity fill that Grail Cup within your heart, the more likely it is that the Fair Folk will take notice of you and begin a relationship with you. They might be Fair Folk you knew many lifetimes ago or completely new Fair Folk you have never met before.
Because the Faerie do dwell within other realms, you must learn to look for them with your inner eyes. When you are remembering or imagining or daydreaming, you see pictures in your mind’s eye. This might be how you first come to see them, for sometimes imagination is the first step to true seeing. Use your imagination to picture what the Faery you wish to meet might look like. Look again at the descriptions we have provided for the various types of Faeries. The most likely Faeries for you to meet, at least to begin with, might be the Sprites or Gnomes, for they work in a realm nearer to Earth to help heal and tend to the plants and animals. You might be surprised, after a time, at how clear the Faery you are imagining appears to your inner eyesight. If you start to see him or her very clearly, it could be that you truly are seeing a Faery. Once you see Faeries, you may wish to begin listening to them with your inner ears, realizing, of course, that you may have already heard them!
In any case, should you ever chance to meet a being who says negative or cruel things or asks you to do negative things, say your farewells quickly, for such a being is not a Faery of the light.
The closer you become to nature, the more likely you are to draw the attention of the Faeries who inhabit the area where you are spending time. It could be that you will become one of those who helps to heal Mother Earth or protect her from those who wish her harm. Perhaps once the Fair Folk realize you truly care about the Great Mother, they will choose to make themselves known to you. In any event, you will never know unless you go outside and greet the Mother.
Faerie Food
The residents of Tir na n’Og are vegetarians. Typical foods at a feast or at daily meals include many different vegetables, beans, mushrooms, cheeses, nuts, seaweed, roots, herbs, fruits, breads, noodles, cakes, pies, honeyed snacks, flavored waters, tea, grain beverages, wines, beers, ales, and meads. They have also added some human dishes to their menus such as pizza and ice cream. Though they are strict vegetarians, they do like to display their food artistically, often in the shapes of animals or birds or trees or flowers or scenes of nature, or their legends. They are also adept at creating beautiful ice sculptures.
Faerie Wedding Traditions
Faerie weddings take place over a period of 7 days. They are complex and vary according to the tribe of Fair Folk involved. They are so filled with traditions, activities and ceremonies that we could not begin to describe them all here. There is, however, a pattern which runs through all of our customs, and this is that the spouses-to-be perform some sort of quest for their beloved before the wedding takes place. Both the male and the female perform their own quest. If you decide to do this, make sure you set tasks for your beloved which can actually be accomplished by him or her. What we are saying is that it must be something that is well within their present abilities (and which, for that matter, would even be within your own abilities). You do not want to send your betrothed on a quest so impossible that he or she will be unable to complete it before the scheduled wedding day. It is also traditional to present the results of your quests–whether they be items retrieved or created or whatever you may have decided upon–to your beloved at the wedding, before you actually begin the ceremony.
There is also a tradition throughout the Faerie tribes whereby the bride and groom-to-be are referred to as the Queen and King of the Sprites, or of the Gnomes, Brownies, Elves, or whichever tribe of Fair Folk they belong to. In the Human world, the bride and groom might request to become honorary members of a particular Faerie tribe for the wedding or might wish to be referred to as the Queen and King of the Faerie. These honorary titles are in effect for 3 days before the wedding, on the day of the wedding itself, and for 3 days after the wedding. Before the wedding, the bride may be led among her friends and family by her honor guard of maidens—her ladies-in-waiting–who announce the arrival of the Queen of the Fair Folk. They would then all bow down to her. This is, of course, done in the spirit of fun, with tongue-in-cheek, but also with respect for the bride.Since tradition and the time allotted for Human weddings are quite different from those of the Faerie, we will present here some other suggestions you may wish to incorporate into your wedding to assist in creating a Faerie-like setting.The bride and groom and their attendants should dress up in ways to become the Faerie. You can request that the rest of the wedding party do so as well if they are willing. Work in harmony with your imagination and spirit, and all will be well.
If possible, have the wedding outdoors among Mother Earth’s green children. To the degree possible, allow animal companions to attend. Invite the Faerie Folk who serve the Mother and Father, and, though you may not see them, they will be there. Keep in mind that since Fair Folk do travel, your wedding might even include Fair Folk visitors from other lands.
As for food, we are vegetarians, but we realize this is not always possible in the Human world, so prepare your wedding table in whatever way you envision it. We suggest you include cream, breads, cheese products, pastries and other things which are sweet and pleasing to the eye and tongue.
Music to attract the Fair Folk might include wind instruments and Celtic music. If you have musicians, please consider having them play some Celtic reels. Since Fair Folk dwell all over the world, you may instead prefer the music of local musicians, whose instruments and songs are more representative of your ancestry.
Mother and Father’s blessing upon your wedding. May you and your beloved have many long years together, and may your love sustain you throughout your life upon the physical Earth and afterwards.
Welcoming a Newborn
(Dictated by two Gnome Elders)
We Gnomes build a nest in our home when we are expecting a child. It is something we learned from the birds long ago, before our written history. It gave our ancestors a sense of comfort and security. Perhaps we built our nest under a large bush or tree, but the reason why we built this nest has long ago disappeared into the antiquity of our ancestors. As I speak of this Gnome tradition, we do not expect you to build an actual physical nest in your home. That would be rather impractical for a human to do in this world, but I am sure by now you have set aside a place in your home for the coming child. Like us, in a very similar way, you are building your own nest, the child’s nursery.
You might add to the nursery, if you can, pictures of relatives, items that mean something to you and your husband, and items that mean something to the family. Ask the family members who wish to participate for tokens like scarves, etc. to pad the nest until the coming of the child. This, in our opinion, will give the child a sense of place, of connection, and these things should be kept about your nest until the child is born. These tokens should be something of value to the family, but should pose no physical danger to the child. These items will help to give the child a sense of place. It is also good to have a priest or priestess bless the areas the child is to sleep in beforehand and also bless the father and mother at the same time.
As the time draws near for the child to be born, we suggest that you spend more and more time in your nest. Obviously, we do not wish a mother to be bored in her nest, and so we have people come to visit and tell her stories, sing songs, and play music. I do not, of course, know how much your family would be willing to do to entertain you and the child. You might also read books which would bring you comfort, and you could begin reading to the child in the nest, for all children are conscious and aware in the womb. If family members come and tell stories about you and your life, funny stories, interesting stories, the baby does hear. You are giving the child a sense of place, so that he is born in a place that feels like home outside your womb. Help any friends or family to understand the concept of a nest. Obviously, the most frequent visitor to the nest should be the father. He should bring gifts and funny stories and read often to the baby in the nest. The nest should remain intact up to the time of the birth of the baby and beyond. The child will himself tell you when he no longer needs the nest.
When the child is born, of course, we have a gathering, a welcoming of the child. Family and friends bring food and gifts, and there is a great feast, much joy, much storytelling. I am not sure how much of this you can do, but do as much of it as you can, the sooner the better, as soon as the baby and you are able to entertain. Some time after the singing and dancing, and before the feast is to begin, we have the mother holding the baby and the father with his hand on the baby’s head, and everyone, family and friends, gather about them in a ring, outside if possible, weather permitting. The priest or priestess gazes into the baby’s eyes, and our priests and priestesses do see into the future. We see the happy times and even the sorrowful times. We see the baby’s future, and what we do as a priest or priestess is to say a prayer. Ours is spoken in a singing, chanting manner, to tell of the baby’s future, but only in a positive way, creating a positive path for the baby, so that the sorrowful times will not have such a great impact. It is a prayer poem that is inspired by the spirit which comes from the Mother and Father Creator. The priest or priestess, in a joyful manner, guides the baby’s spirit down a positive pathway to the utmost joy the baby can experience from cradle to grave, a beautiful, blessed pathway spoken out loud. Others of the friends and family will add their own joy and hopes.
The priest or priestess then gives the baby a spirit name. It should be a spirit name the priest or priestess feels is right for them, one which will protect them, but will also give them a sense of kinship to the Mother and Father Creator and to all creation. At some point, the baby will receive another name, which should be given to him upon reaching adulthood, but that name will come from another source to be determined by spirit. Then the baby is given a final blessing. After the blessing, the priest or priestess, in a prayerful way, predicts a positive future for the mother and father. He tells how they will be good parents and speaks of the many blessings they will receive from the Mother and Father Creator. After the blessing of the parents, the priest or priestess intones the blessing of the three (Mother, Father and Child), and then the feasting begins. There should be several toasts honoring the mother, the baby and the father.
Obviously, not all Fair Folk build nests, but many of our traditions are similar.